If you are concerned you have an allergy or a strange medical condition that has not been diagnosed, allergy testing might just be the next best step for you. Our specially trained and board certified physicians will help you get to the bottom of your medical mystery. We want to help our clients find the right treatment, so please give us a call today and see what we can do for you.
Spirometry is used to measure forced expiratory flow rates and volumes. It is the most commonly used pulmonary function test and is useful in the evaluation of patients with respiratory symptoms (eg, dyspnea, cough, wheeze) or risk factors for respiratory disease (eg, smoking, occupational exposures, family history).
IVIG has a number of immunosuppressive and antiinflammatory properties that include modulation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels, lymphocyte and reticuloendothelia function, cytokine production, complement regulation, and clearance of pathogenic IgG. IVIG provides adequate concentrations of antibodies against a broad range of pathogens for patients.
Achieving a molecular diagnosis provides the most comprehensive understanding of a patient's primary immune dysregulation, allowing for tailored interventions and personalized surveillance strategies. The diagnostic process to uncover a molecular etiology, however, can be complicated by numerous testing strategies and modalities, each with their own nuances and limitations.